[Q]COOL - A Knowledge based Cooling Water System Configurator
AuthorsHees, M. Th. van, Blom, E.C. van der
Conference/Journal5th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT’06), Oegstgeest, The Netherlands
Date12 Jul 2006
Within the scope of the VNSI Open Mind project, IHC Dredgers and Qnowledge B.V. carried out a research project into the application of the Quaestor knowledge system in the domain of project configuration. Dredger cooling system configuration was considered to be of acceptable complexity and a realistic and 'typical' product configuration application. The paper discusses some of the fundamental concepts of knowledge-based product configuration, the generic object model of solutions representing various system configurations and presents some examples of the function and component descriptions in the configurator knowledge base. The configuration process flow and results is illustrated with examples and some experience gained with regard to the practical introduction of this configurator is presented.
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cfd/simulation/desk studiesmeasurements and controldata sciencesoftware engineering